What's new? I added a new feature that allows you to override the automatic naming feature in web merge.

What this means to you is this: if you want each "instance" of the generated page to be a very specific name, you can create a new column of data, where the top cell's name is


and the values below this need to be file names RELATIVE TO SITE ROOT!




Web merge cannot create directories for you so make sure the path is correct!

Also, if you choose to use this feature you must then put some filename in EVERY cell in that column, becuase you are essentially saying "disable the auto name feature an name them this."


Dont forget that this is also just another column, so you could add <wmsavefilepath></wmsavefilepath> tags to your template/prototype file if you wanted the page to say something like:

this page is called <wmsavefilepath>placeholder</wmsavefilepath>